Today's Education System: Book Vs Practical Learning

Today's Education System: Book Vs Practical Learning

Students of this generation are more adaptive towards the modern educational setting and learning.  Gone are the days of passive or rote learning where the students were tied with books and classroom education. There was no scope for students to use their creative and imaginative powers to learn about a topic or get a better understanding of the subject.

Previously, students absorbed the information without any practical application of the learning. The government redefined India's Education system with NEP 2020 where practical-based learning got immense popularity. The approach is not a direct challenge to the books or classroom lectures but it also welcomes hands-on experiences, students learn real-world applications, and even develop social and problem-solving skills.

Through Experiential Learning, the students of today not only survive but thrive in society. Mayoor School Siliguri ensures a unique blended curriculum for the students. Students learn through real experiences in the classrooms which is reflected in the below-mentioned stages.

  •  It is all about the SENSITIVITY of the subject.
  • In the second stage, students reflect on the conscious training through deep observation. It talks about the VISUALIZATION and even asking WHY.
  • The third stage is about conceptualization where students come up with new ideas. It is all about sparkling the INTELLECTUAL ability.
  • The final stage wraps up with experimentation where students get the chance to implement the ideas in the real world. It is all about UNDERTAKING the learning experience.

There are four types of learners and they are- Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic. The best education system focuses on the overall development of all the learners and with the experiential learning method it is 100% possible. It acts as a bridge between practical and theoretical applications.

There is a book to learn but when students see, touch, and feel what they are studying and learning it increases their enthusiasm towards the topic or subject. When students learn from practical experiences, they create a sense of responsibility in them and even gain practical knowledge.

Practical learning helps students to face challenges in life smartly and even leave a positive impact on the next generation. They foster resilience, independence, and empathy towards own self and society.

The Benefits of Practical-Based Learning in Mayoor School Siliguri

  1. Enhanced Understanding: Practical-based learning allows the students to grasp complex concepts by seeing them in action. This hands-on approach helps in solidifying their understanding and retention of knowledge.
  2. Skill Development: Students gain critical skills such as problem-solving, analytical thinking, and creativity. These skills are crucial for their personal and professional growth.
  3. Real-World Applications: By engaging in practical activities, students learn how to apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems.
  4. Social and Emotional Growth: Collaborative projects and group activities enhance social skills, empathy, and teamwork. These experiences are vital for holistic development.
  5. Increased Engagement: Interactive and varied learning methods keep the students more engaged and motivated compared to traditional rote learning.

The schools embark on this transformative approach and witness an incredible impact on shaping the future generation.

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Posted On: 23/5/2024

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