The Importance of Student Mental Health

The Importance of Student Mental Health

Attention all students! Are you feeling like your brain is about to short-circuit from all the tests, essays, and cocurricular activities? Let's be real, the academic world can be a real roller coaster ride, complete with loop-de-loops of stress and the occasional freefall of anxiety. But fear not, my dear students, because taking care of your mental well-being is just as crucial as acing that science exam.

Imagine trying to run a race with a pebble in your shoe. That's what learning can feel like when you're struggling with mental health issues. Remember, a healthy mind is the key to academic success. Therefore, school counselling services play a vital role in the overall development of the child. Mayoor School Siliguri, which is one of the best CBSE schools in Siliguri also make efforts to prioritize mental health. We believe that in every phase of life focusing on psychological, social and emotional well-being are necessary.

Break the Stigma around Mental Health

There are many myths associated with mental health. For example- one should not talk about it, it is a choice, take a break and you will be fine, if you take medicine, you will become mad. But, in reality, mental health has to be a priority like physical health. At Mayoor School Siliguri, we break this stigma and our in-house behavioural counsellor is there to help the students. The professional observes each child, their activities, behaviours, and social skills and pin point the triggers that result “anxiety in students” inside the campus and connects one-to-one to understand their mental state through various fun and age-appropriate activities.

Ideas to Help Students in Mental Health

Students seeping into depression at a young age is not uncommon these days. Peer pressure, bullying, academic competition, continuous comparisons with others, unsupportive family, toxic family issues, low self-worth are the few reasons of mental health issues in students of all age groups. Mayoor School Siliguri understands student mental wellness and here are some ideas that help our students:

  • Listen actively- Sometimes, all a student needs is someone to listen to them. Give them your full attention, and let them know their feelings are valid.
  • Promote inclusivity- Encourage a culture where diversity is celebrated, and everyone feels welcome, regardless of their background or experiences.
  • Be supportive- Offer support and understanding, and remind students that it's okay to seek help when needed.
  • Regular fitness check- Encourage students to invest time in daily exercises.

Teach Coping Strategies- Mental Health

Incorporating mental health education into the curriculum can equip with essential coping strategies for students. Here are some fun and effective ways to help students manage stress:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation- These practices can help calm the mind, improve concentration, and reduce anxiety. Try starting the day with a short 10-minutes meditation session!
  • Exercise and Movement- Physical activity is a fantastic way to boost mood and relieve stress. For example- yoga sessions, or fun sports activities.
  • Creative Expression- Encourage students to express themselves through art, music, or writing. Creativity is a wonderful outlet for emotions and can be incredibly therapeutic.
  • Time Management Skills- Teach students how to prioritize tasks and manage their time effectively. This can reduce feelings of overwhelm and help them stay organized.

Building a Supportive Community

It's not just about individual efforts; it's about creating a community that prioritizes mental health. Schools, parents, and students can work together to foster a supportive environment where everyone thrives.


  • Provide Resources- Offer access to mental health counsellors, workshops, and support groups. Make sure students know these resources are available and accessible.
  • Create Safe Spaces- Designate areas where students can unwind, relax, and recharge. Whether it’s a cozy corner in the library or a calming garden, having a place to be with one-self can work wonders.
  • Celebrate Mental Health Days- Organize mental health programmes in schools, events that promote mental well-being, like "World Mental Health Day” or mindfulness workshops. Make these events fun and engaging!


  • Stay Connected- Keep the lines of communication open with your child. Show interest in their daily life and be there to support them when needed.
  • Model Healthy Habits- Demonstrate positive coping mechanisms and stress management techniques. Children often learn by example!
  • Encourage Balance- Help your child find a healthy balance between schoolwork and leisure activities. Encourage them to pursue hobbies and interests outside of academics.


Support Each Other- Be there for your friends and classmates. Sometimes a simple "How are you doing?" can make a big difference. Peer support for mental health plays a vital role to strengthen relationships among peers.

  • Practice Self-Care- Take time to care for yourself. Whether it's reading a book, taking a walk, or spending time with loved ones, make sure you're nurturing your own mental health.
  • Seek Help When Needed- Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. If you're struggling, don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted adult or counsellor.

Walk Towards Brighter Future

Imagine your mind as a garden, where ideas bloom like colourful flowers and dreams take root like towering trees. Just as a gardener waters the plants, nurture the soil, and ensures they receive ample sunlight, so students must cultivate their mental landscape with care and attention. "Being vulnerable isn't a weakness but a courageous embrace of your inner demons, transforming them into stepping stones toward the life of your dreams."

Read More Article: Effective Study Techniques for Better Grades

Posted On: 02/08/2024

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